DELICH Olena: Currently a student and head of scientific society of the medical faculty of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. ABDEL WAHHAB O GH: Currently he is a student of the medical faculty of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. MERKULOVA Olga: Currently working as an associate professor in the department of neurology at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. PASYURA Igor: Currently working as a the head of department of Neurology at Kharkiv Railway Clinical Hospital of â„–1 Branch "Health Center" of the Public joint stock company "Ukrainian Railway", Ukraine. SHEVCHENKO L M: Currently working as a doctor in the department of Neurology at Kharkiv Railway Clinical Hospital of â„–1 Branch "Health Center" of the Public joint stock company "Ukrainian Railway", Ukraine.
A 54-year-old woman was treated initially with neuritis of right optic nerve in 2013 that resolved completely. Two years later, she presented with relapse and partial visual functions recovery of right optic nerve. Ophthalmoscopy analysis showed atrophic changes of the disc optic nerve. After undercooling in March 2016, a patient complained of interscapular pain, weakness of the right limbs and urinary retention. MRI of thoracic part of spinal cord showed high T2 signal spread at least more than three vertebral segments, osteochondrosis. CT-angiography of spinal cord showed an absence of vascular malformations. A patient was treated with dexamethasone, ceftriaxone, vascular and metabolic therapy and was discharged with partial recovery, but interscapular pain was still present, sensory impairments from Th6 level down, urinary retention and constipation were revealed. From June 2016, she developed the lower spastic paraplegia. MRI of the brain (2015) didn’t reveal any local change of the brain tissues, besides asymmetric hydrocephalus of the lateral ventricles. Biochemical analysis serum antibodies IgG, the specific markers of neuromyelitis optica (NMO), connected with aquaporin -4-(AQP4) usually led to increase of AQP4 concentration, which was 1:320 in our case. Course treatment included solumedrol, aciclovir, ceraxon, actovegin, and cytostatic drugs. The patient was discharged with certain improvements and diagnosed with NMO, partial atrophy of the disc right optic nerve, lower paraplegia, reduced sensitivity in trunk and right lower limb, pelvic sphincter disturbances. From September 2016, the patient started to use copaxone (40 mg/ml 3 times a week s.c. for 4 months). Pain in upper thoracic, cervical parts of vertebra with irradiation to the occipital region increased after respiratory infection in December 2016. The numbness spread to Th4-Th5 segments, appear the clinic of lower paraplegia. She got plasmapheresis as an out-patient one time. Every month from September 2016 to March 2017, infusion of methylprednisolone was performed (1000 mg), rituximab (375 mg/kg i.v. infusion every 10 days №4 from February to March). So, clinical diagnosis now is Neuromyelitis optica (Devic`s disease), remitting course, exacerbation, lower spastic paraplegia, pelvic sphincter disturbances by type of urinary retention and constipation, of the right disc optic nerve atrophy.
Toshio Obata is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Nursing at Faculty of Health Sciences, Osaka Aoyama University, Japan. He has published several original research papers in the reputed journals and also participated into several scientific meetings.
The present study examined the antioxidant effect of histidine, a singlet oxygen (1O2) scavenger, on para-nonylphenol, an environmental estrogen-like chemical, enhances 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+)-induced hydroxyl radical (•OH) generation in extracellular fluid of rat striatum. Rats were anesthetized, and sodium salicylate in Ringer's solution (0.5 nmol/ïl/min) was infused through a microdialysis probe to detect the generation of •OH as reflected by the non-enzymatic formation of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) in the striatum. Induction of para-nonylphenol (10 ïM) significantly enhanced MPP+-induced •OH generation. However, histidine (25 mM) decreased the para-nonylphenol-induced •OH formation. Although the level of MPP+-induced •OH formation trapped as DHBA after para-nonylphenol treatment increased, para-nonylphenol failed to increase either the level of dopamine (DA) and DHBA formation in the reserpinized anuimals. When iron (II) was administered to para-nonylphenol (10 ïM)-pretreated rats, iron (II) clearly produced a dose-dependent increase in •OH formation, compared with MPP+-only treated animals, that showed a positive linear correlation between iron (II) and DHBA (R2=0.983) in the dialysate. However, in the presence of histidine (25 mM), small increase in the level of DHBA products were observed. These results indicate that para-nonylphenol enhanced •OH generation on 1O2 production, and histidine may have preventive effect on para-nonylphenol and MPP+-induced •OH generation in rat striatum.