Sevinj Hamidova Abisalam
Stroke and Headache centers in Grand Hospital
Sevinj Hamidova is currently working as a managing director of Medical Tourism in Azerbaijan. She graduated with MD from Azerbaijan Medical University in 2009. She then completed Internship in City Clinical Hospital in Baku and has now worked for over 6 years as a Neurologist at several hospital settings. During this period, she has participated in many conferences and has taken several continuing education neurology courses in Turkey, Germany, Spain and Denmark. She is well skilled and has managed headache, stroke, epilepsy/EEG and prolotherapy protocols. She organized and now directs a small Headache Center in Baku. At present, she is tasked to organize a Stroke Center–a first in Azerbaijan, and has been offered a new job in one of the big private clinics in Baku as a Director of Stroke and Headache Center.
Research Interest
Stroke, Headache, Neurology